Monday, February 28, 2011

Explosion Box!!!

This is a birthday card I made for one of the gals at work! She totally LOVED IT! This was the first time I made the explosion box this way. Hope you like it!

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a cool and fun card I am sure your co worker loved it.

    Hi Zaeani!
    I have won 2 awards, the Liebster & the Stylish Blog Award from Misty @ and also from Lau @

    To be honored by your fellow crafters is an honor and chose you for the the awards "Hop" on over to my blog to copy & paste the 2 awards onto your own blog...for ALL to see! I am your newest Follower & would love it if you became a Follower of mine, but it's not required. Then just find 8 other new bloggers, like us & pay it forward like I did. Don't forget to share 8 things about yourself!
    Greetings from California

